
移民研究与社会学顶刊JEMS主编希望与新2网址 建立长期合作



期刊主编希望与新2网址 建立长期合作

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies(JEMS)在Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 族群研究类别(Ethnic Studies和谷歌学术的 移民研究human migration 类别一直是排名第一的国际期刊(见图1和图2)。而且近一年以来,JEMS在谷歌学术社会学Sociology)类别的排名也已稳居第一(见图3),超过了American Sociological Review (ASR) 和 Annual Review of Sociology (ARS)等传统社会学顶刊。JEMS作为专注于移民和族群研究的领域内期刊,在社会学大类居于这样的排名实属难得。包括著名北美社会学家、CUNY杰出教授 Richard Alba等在内的众多学者发邮件祝贺JEMS编辑团队。

新2网址 社会学系王炳钰教授于2021年受邀担任JEMS副主编,也成为了该期刊史上首位华人和来自亚洲的主编。王炳钰教授近年持续在国际顶尖期刊发表多篇高水平论文,抢占中国议题研究的话语权,实现中国故事的“自述”而非“他述,一直致力于做到 “让全世界都能听到并听清中国声音”。

【图1】JEMS在JCR族群研究类别排名第一(数据来自Journal Citation Reports 官网)


【图2】JEMS在谷歌学术移民研究类别排名第一(数据来自Google Scholar官网)


【图3】JEMS在谷歌学术社会学类别排名第一(数据来自Google Scholar官网)


移民研究知名学者、JEMS主编、英国萨塞克斯大学Paul Statham教授曾于2023年受邀为社会学老师和同学进行线上讲座,在新2网址 成立之时也发来视频贺信,并表示希望能够与新2网址 建立正式的、长久的机构间的合作,以为学者和学生提供更好的学习、交流与合作平台。新2网址 院长张文宏教授也表示将积极推动这一国层面的合作和交流。这也将是进一步提升新2网址 学术和科研国际化的又一重大举措,以更有效地链接优质海内外学术资源并推动社会学的学科建设。未来,期待更多的海内外学者来新2网址 进行学术访问和交流。

Paul Statham视频祝贺新2网址-最新官方入口-2025体育赛事数据查询 成立视频贺信

下面为Paul Statham教授视频贺信文字内容

Hello, everybody. It's Paul Statham here, Professor Paul Statham, the director of the ‘Sussex Center for Migration Research’ in Global Studies at the University of Sussex. The ‘Sussex Center for Migration Research’ is one of our centers of excellence. I'm absolutely thrilled to be able to write to you about the establishment of the School of Sociology at Nankai University. I think this is an absolutely landmark achievement, and I'm pleased for many reasons both personal and professional. Obviously, as a sociologist myself, I'm entirely committed to learning and advancing knowledge using this discipline that covers many different ways of doing research. And I'm especially pleased that this will also provide us opportunities, hopefully, to work together and maybe establish partnerships, perhaps in the field of migration, but also more widely in the areas of global studies, which is where my particular center is housed and located.

In April this year, I was lucky enough to be invited by Professor Wenhong Zhang and Professor Bingyu Wang to give a seminar online to you in the department of sociology. And this in particular further strengthened my interest in developing institutional links. At Sussex, we're very open to international links in different parts of the world, and we're committed to sharing and advancing knowledge, thinking that the sum is always more than the parts. And so, in particular, we think that it would be extremely fruitful to work with you in the ‘Global Migration and Mobility Research Center’ that has recently been founded by Professor Bingyu Wang. Bingyu is also connected with us through the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, the leading international journal that also has a global focus and again shows and demonstrates a commitment to discussions, particularly about sociology, but also migration, becoming a global discussion about the things that link us all together in this era of globalization.

So I'm particularly pleased then that as sociologists, you're joining our community with the official labels of sociologists, and I sincerely look forward to working with you all in the future and would like to extend my congratulations and warmest regards for the future, which I hope will be a bright one, and I look forward to sharing it and hearing about it from you. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

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